You and Your Mind


I’m sending you over to someone else’s blog today.

Dr. Amy Johnson is a coach I respect and follow and continue to learn from on a regular basis.

What she has to say in You and Your Mind in a Pandemic is so incredibly powerful, I want all my readers to have a chance to see it and soak it in.

Here’s a taste from Dr. Amy’s blog…

“In life, we’re all right here, right now, doing what makes the most sense to each of us right here and right now. There’s not much to argue with in that, is there?

We know absolutely nothing for sure about the future. (This was also true a few weeks ago, by the way. But your mind was in denial about it then.) So we sit in life, now, knowing nothing for sure. No different than any other day.”

My husband said he felt a sense of peace after reading this piece. For me, it helped redirect me to the present moment. Once again, I reminded myself to focus on what’s next and next and next.

Our heads may spin tales, but we can only really be in the moment and respond to what there is to respond to. Responding comes with a completely different feeling than reacting.

Personally, I can’t be reminded often enough about the fact that we are not in control and that striving for control is a true source of our struggles and fears. Like stress, there is a lot of innocent, well meaning misunderstanding going around about this part of the human experience.


gayle nobel