Take the Plunge


I recently had a health scare. Not related to Covid, but very concerning. After a series of tests, everything turned out to be okay. The issue then slowly resolved itself on its own. The body is quite amazing, isn’t it?

This situation was a catalyst for self examination and looking at life a bit differently. Combined with the personal ramifications of the pandemic, it has been a wake up call.

I am reminded:

~~ How tenuous life is.

~~How in an instant, on a dime, large and small things can and do change. There is no point being too attached.

~~There are so many things we take for granted. We forget to be grateful in the busy-ness of our lives.

~~How little we actually control — pretty much nothing.

~~The significance of the present moment that we often skate by with an eye to the future or a foot in the past.

~~The resilience of the body and ability to take care of itself in so many miraculous ways.

~~The importance of asking questions, even if answers are not always quickly forthcoming.

When my mind took me to that scary place of ‘what if I don’t have much time left?’, I realized I still had things left to do here. Not sure exactly what, but definitely more to do. This was the beginning of a walk off in a slightly different direction. What changes can I make?

Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and jump into the cold water of the unknown. In reality, all of the future, with its outcomes, are unknown. The best we can do is take a step and see where it leads. (Usually to another step.) If it’s something we have put off or hesitated on for awhile, it can feel like a really big step, a plunge into very deep water.

We jump, submerge, come up for air, and realize, we did it and we are ok. Now what?

For awhile now, I have wanted to offer a series of webinars to share an understanding of Peace of Mind I came across in 2015 in between my first and second coach training courses. This understanding rocked my world so much, I wrote a book about it. It also took my life coaching off in new directions.

Born in a phone conversation with my friend and colleague, Connie Creech, we find ourselves getting ready to host a four part webinar series in the month of October. I am so excited to be working with Connie and so excited to be sharing this understanding with a group of people.

Topics will include:

~~Where our experiences in life really come from

(Hint: It’s not where most of us think they come from.)

~~The true source of stress and suffering

(Hint: It’s not what most of us think it is.)

~~Wisdom, our human super power

(Hint: It is often forgotten or overlooked.)

~~Resilience, life’s secret sauce

(Hint: It’s not something we need to “work on”.)

What this understanding leads us to, is the awareness that we no longer need to be victims of circumstance, or victims, period! This is powerful.


Details, including how to participate in our October 2020 webinar series, found HERE.

gayle nobel