Only Moments

I found myself awash in the beauty of a string of  moments.

My youngest daughter, Leah got married. We flew across the country and then drove winding roads to a remote rental home in the mountains. It didn’t take long for the sensation of being transported to wash over me.

I was away. Very far away. Geographically and also in my mind. The mental shift I experienced really stands out.

I’m really good at detaching. Perhaps it comes from having a son with autism whose challenges and needs made it difficult for him to travel with us. Over about 30 years, we took many trips with our two girls, leaving Kyle behind with a caregiver.

I gradually came to see that worrying or obsessing about how he was doing or what was going on at home took me away from enjoying the moments and the rest of my family. I’m not going to say I never did those things, but over time, there was an organic evolution of detaching or letting go and immersing myself in the present moments of wherever I was. I never “worked” on this. It just occurred over time.

To maintain a vacation mindset and stay more fully present, I found myself not checking in with home every day. I did call, and later on text, but usually not daily. The caregivers always knew they could call me if they needed to.

This trip felt different. My daughter was getting married. I wanted to be there as fully as possible. I found myself detaching at an even deeper level. His caregivers knew to contact me only if it was urgent.  This helped me create more of a full immersion experience.

Less thinking, more being. It was a much needed rest and break. And it wasn’t something that took effort or thought on my part. It just happened naturally.



Moments, both special and ordinary, bubble up to the surface of my awareness

The hug of my grandson

My granddaughter newly walking

Reuniting with my girls and their guys

Feelings of excitement and slightly nervous anticipation

The wedding, each moment special in its own right

The Mill House, no ordinary house but more of a museum, with pastoral grounds, slippery rocks, old wood

Getting ready, hair and makeup

Transforming Leah into a beautiful bride

Reconnecting with her friends, meeting his friends

Connecting with his mom, this time as family

The whir and buzz of happy energy as people arrived to caravan to the trailhead

Very hard rain on the drive to the mountain

Magically the rain stopped when we arrived, not to appear again

Serendipity? Divine intervention?

A special walk up Roan mountain to the ceremony spot

Hiking boots with a fancy dress

More anticipation and excitement

Pre orchestrated moments became reality, richer than any imagination could create

Leah emerges from the mountainside quilt dressing room

This moment takes my breath away

No words for those feelings, that experience

Tears of love and joy pool in my carefully made up eyes

Fresh air, majestic clouds, the bald of a mountain, straddling North Carolina and Tennesse

We gathered around

Their words, vows, poignant and meaningful

A flow of moments, yet time stilled

Feeling the magic of presence, so special

The love of a couple for each other: palpable, beautiful

The love of family and friends: intimate, beautiful

The trek down: light hearted energy in motion on the trail

A ceremony dinner

Beautiful and delicious, carefully selected food

Mini speeches touched my heart

More moments

The day after, the party (reception)

A rainbow ends on the lush lawn of our cocktail hour

Bride, my daughter, and groom, my son in law, take my breath away again on their first dance

My husband’s speech, poignant, tears of joy

My other daughter’s speech, funny yet deep, more tears

My grandson discovers the dance floor with me

Aliveness: the crowded dance floor and the party feeling of the “young” people

Wonderful to be a part of, wonderful to watch

I sneak off to push my granddaughter’s stroller

Her smile melts my heart, a once in a lifetime moment

Sparkler send off, sealed the joy of the evening

Drifting back home, I felt exhausted and refreshed at the same time. Once again I was struck by the magic of presence, a reset for my soul.

With that presence, I felt the wonder of moments, only moments.

gayle nobel