Shine Your Light


Happy New Year!

My new year slipped in slowly and peacefully. Yesterday, January 1, I attended a breath work and gong meditation event. What a powerful way to literally ring in the New Year. I walked away with a sense of a calm and a settled mind. I also got to connect with some great people at the end. An unexpected bonus.

This year, in lieu of intentions or a word for the year, I find myself…

~~craving simplicity

~~wanting to go even more with the flow of life in a lighthearted way

~~wanting to steer the boat when necessary (make plans and take care of logistics) and then take my oars out of the water and ride life’s rapids

~~wanting to shine my light off in a direction, take a step and see where that takes me.

So far, the direction of my light is shining on activities, events, and people I really enjoy. What passions or pursuits have gotten pushed aside or even forgotten in the midst of life’s have to’s and my busyness? I want to participate in and experience more of those.

As I answer that question, I’m excited to see what my light will land upon. Signing up for the gong event at the last minute was the first step on the path. And from that step, several new paths became visible.

I love the metaphor of the light because it reminds me that we can really only take one step at a time anyway. With each step, the light shines a little further and illuminates what’s next. Endless possibilities and expansiveness. And yes, I can even “get stuff done”. The light works for everything. It signals our inner wisdom and the universe that we are awake and paying attention.

If you want an alternative to goals or anything that feels like pressure, I invite you to shine your light. Notice what you see and walk that way. Or in the opposite direction. You may be surprised at what you find yourself doing and creating.

Here’s to the blank canvas of the New Year, New Day, New moment.

gayle nobel