The Illusions of...








We bump right up against them.

Maybe they keep us up at night.

They create

our struggle

our angst

our fears

our strain.

They form choppy waters in the pool of our awareness,

deep within the contours of our busy minds.

They lurk.

We may not see them because they

masquerade as…


the government


our family


toilet paper

and much more.

These illusions,

usually not visible to the naked eye,

are at the heart of our discomfort.



we have seen behind the curtain,

their hiding place,


We glimpse a few levels down


we see

we hear

we know…

Until we are safe, means never.

We were not safe all along.

We never had security.

We never had control.

Nothing is certain.

We will all die sooner or later.

“Quick, close the curtain” we may say.

We don’t like seeing these illusions.

They create fear.

Better if it was the outside world,

someone or something to blame,

potentially fixable.

In the outside world, we cannot be kept safe.

There is no such thing, I’m sorry to say.

No person, no government can provide our safety.

We sit in misunderstanding of this.

The pieces of the life puzzle rearrange themselves.


We can’t control them.

Possibly influence, but barely that.

In our inside world, we are safe.

We carry resiliency within us at all times.

In fact, it is the fabric of us,

an integral part of who we are.

Our amazing immune systems

are working on our behalf,

making magic behind the scenes,

constantly standing up to invaders.

This is part of our resilience.

But it does not mean we get to live forever.

At each turn of the clock,

our lives can and do change.

Absolutely anything can happen,

at any time.

Our immune system might make a mistake.

Or is it really a mistake?

Or just part of another plan

of which we are not in charge.

Our thoughts are fluid.

These illusions,

visible or invisible,

pass through

even disappear for awhile.

Then we are left with something special.

The present moment,

a peaceful easy feeling

so subtle, so powerful

despite the outside world.

Knowing about these illusions is a good thing.

A tiny glimpse,

and without effort,

we may ease up on the reins of control,

let go of needing assurances.

This is so good for our immune system.

It means nothing needs to change outside of us

for that peaceful easy feeling to bubble up from within.

It is always there,

one moment away,

one thought away,

waiting and available.

No matter what.

gayle nobel